Advanced Chiropractic Care for the
St. Louis Community
With clinics in Chesterfield, St. Peters, and now the city of St. Louis, Missouri, 洛根健康中心欢迎来自圣路易斯市各地的所有年龄和健康状况的患者. Louis area. Students, veterans, 工人和家庭的健康状况从急性到慢性从我们的督导脊医和学生医生.
Notice Regarding Mid Rivers Health Center
以便为我们的患者提供更全面的服务, 我们决定从周四开始关闭中河健康中心, April 18, 2024, centralizing patient care at our main facility, the Montgomery Health Clinic. 在过去的八年里,为中河社区服务是我的荣幸.
Logan Health Centers offer expert, affordable care for workers in a variety of industries, including construction, manufacturing, health care and first responders, as well as office workers.
St. Louis Community
Infants, teens, adults, seniors, students, veterans, 运动员-洛根健康中心很自豪地为来自整个圣. Louis region’s diverse community.
Chiropractic Adjustments
Manage pain and optimize overall wellbeing. 我们的脊椎按摩师和实习医生在各种成熟的技术方面都有经验.
Learn MoreChiropractic Adjustments
More InfoAcupuncture
Using thin needles to stimulate key points on the body, 从业者用这种古老的草药缓解疼痛,促进康复, effective technique.
Learn MoreAcupuncture
More InfoPediatric
More InfoRadiology & Imaging
服务于安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行的临床医生和学生以及当地医学界, 保健中心放射科执行和解释诊断x光和超声研究, and interprets MRI and CT scans performed elsewhere. 我们还提供双重能量和身体成分研究(DEXA)。. 要查看费用并找到您在办理手续时需要的表格,请点击下面.
Learn MoreRadiology & Imaging
More InfoNutritional Counseling
More InfoWomen’s Health Specialty Clinic
More InfoLocations
Logan University Health Center Flat Fee Updates
继续在安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行健康中心提供您所期望的优质护理, 我们正在对诊所系统内的固定收费结构进行改革. Beginning January 1, 2024, 在蒙哥马利健康中心接受治疗的个人, midrivers健康中心和Orthwein健康中心将支付 $20 flat fee per office visit.
此费用包括在访问期间执行的大多数当前固定费用服务, with the exception of acupuncture, Foot Leveler Orthotics, Radiology Services, 实验室服务和任何营养补充剂和产品. A separate $20 charge will be incurred for acupuncture, 不管病人在给定日期可能接受或不接受其他服务. 在同一次就诊中接受针灸和我们的固定费用计划所涵盖的其他服务的患者将收取40美元的总就诊费用.
所有的医疗保险和医疗补助申请将继续提交. Medicare and Medicaid claims will only be submitted for one service provided at a $20 fee; this is the maximum the patient is responsible for regarding covered flat fee services if Medicare/Medicaid does not provide payment. 针灸是一项不包括在内的服务,需要支付20美元, regardless of other services provided. Therefore, 如果提供这些服务,患者将负责支付与针灸相关的20美元费用.
For questions about this change, 请随时与我们的病人服务代表交谈. 我们感谢您选择我们作为您的医疗服务提供者,并期待在2024年为您服务.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Aimee Jokerst
Clinical Chief of Staff | College of Chiropractic
Logan University Health Centers
Make an Appointment
请填写表格申请预约或询问洛根健康中心. We look forward to hearing from you!
请记住,通过互联网上的电子邮件通信是不安全的. Although it is unlikely, 你在电子邮件中包含的信息有可能被截获,并被收件人以外的其他人阅读. 请不要包括个人识别信息,如您的出生日期, 或您发送给我们的任何电子邮件中的个人医疗信息. 没有人可以通过电子邮件或其他书面交流来诊断你的病情, 通过我们的网站进行的交流不能取代您与医生或其他医疗保健从业者之间的关系.